Bibliografía espeleológica Venezolana 1678-1950. Un intento de investigación, recolección y registro
Autor: Eugenio de Bellard Pietri
Volumen: LIII, Número: 3-4, Año: 1993, Páginas: 107-132Resumen:
Palabras claves:
An intent to investigate, collect and register the Speleological Bibliography of Venezuela 1678 – 1950. The author initiated in 1950 a search for all speleological material published in Venezuela and only found information on 9 caves. After a thorough investigation of all known scientific publications, he managed in 1952 to increase his register of bibliography with references to 190 caves. In 1997 he finally dedicated himself to increase his register with all information available on Venezuelan caves starting in 1678, when the first cavern was visited and explored (Guacharo Cave), and ending said register with publications up to 1950, when he organized the first speleological association of Venezuela, the Speleological Department of the Venezuelan Society of Natural Sciences. This final list comprises 187 books, publications, papers and newspaper references, Venezuelan and foreign, on Venezuelan caves.